Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Take the Blame and Accept the Challenge!

It really is not the responsibility of the teachers to provide basic life skills to your children.

Why do so many parents blame the educators for their child's poor performance, but never look at themselves as a failure for not promoting education in the household.

You as the father or the mother (2 parent or 1 parent) have to be your child's 1st TEACHER and biggest ADVOCATE.

Start with the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Instill self confidence in your young person. Then watch them take off academically.

Have you checked your child's homework today?

Much Love and Continued Success,


Dennis Howell is the President and CEO of Caleb Brown Venture Capital and Founder of the Urban Millionaire’s Club. He is a graduate of Northwestern University in Chicago and has been married to his lovely wife for 10 years. He is also the father of 2 sons.

Need Career Advice to take your job to the next level?

Need Seed Money to start or expand your business?

Call Dennis: (312) 287-5500 or Send an e-mail to: info@urbanmillionairesonline.com

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Worst House Equals Best Investment!

The late, great Business Leader A.G. Gaston said that the secret to getting rich was to Buy Low, Sell High, and Keep Good Records. We can definitely apply this advice when it comes to investing in real estate in this NEW ECONOMY.

It might sound like a strange or down right crazy recommendation, but NOW is the time to buy a house for your family’s personal use and dwelling or possibly look into buying an investment property.

When you look back at the causes of the recession, it wasn’t buying a home that got people in trouble, it was buying a home THEY COULDN’T AFFORD that caused so much pain for so many homeowners. You don’t have to make the same unsound financial decision they made as you embark on your journey to owning the “Starter Home” of your Dreams!

Start your homebuying experience by just driving neighborhoods in different areas of your town that you would like to live in and get a feel for the community, your prospective neighbors, and how your family might fit in. Once you have determined 2 or 3 neighborhoods that would work for your family, you want to start looking for the homes in disrepair, with high grass and poor curb appeal, and even fading paint or broken windows.

This property will be your DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH, your future masterpiece, your new home. Smart advice has always taught us to look for the Worst House in the Best Neighborhood. Once you find your property, negotiate the purchase price, close and receive your keys, then it’s time to ADD VALUE to the property with a modest renovation and some well thought out updates.

This is how the game of real estate is played. Buy Low and Sell High. Here’s a great resource to help you get the how to knowledge needed to find your DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH.


I have always advocated real estate as the IDEAL investment, because of the INCOME, DEPRECIATION, EQUITY BUILD UP, APPRECIATION, and LEVERAGE.

2011 is a GREAT YEAR to buy your first home or investment property. You’ll thank me for this article in a few years.

Much Love and Continued Success,


Dennis Howell is the President and CEO of Caleb Brown Venture Capital and Founder of the Urban Millionaire’s Club. He is a graduate of Northwestern University in Chicago and has been married to his lovely wife for 10 years. He is also the father of 2 sons.

Need Career Advice to take your job to the next level?

Need Seed Money to start or expand your business?

Call Dennis: (312) 287-5500 or Send an e-mail to: info@urbanmillionairesonline.com

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wake Up People (The Storm is Over)!

This is a Public Service Announcement. The Great Recession is over people, whether you like it or not. The storm is over and it's time to come outside, assess the damage, and start the rebuilding process. Now is the time to seize new opportunities, new ventures, and NEW MONEY in 2011.

I know that it's unsettling for you to realize that just a few short years ago you felt that you were on top of your game, your career or business was headed in the right direction, or you were just about to get your degree and you were poised and ready to accept that $80,000 per year job offer.

Then IN A FLASH, it was ALL OVER!!!!

It may be painful, but it's time to realize that your JOB might not be coming back, your 401K ACCOUNT might have lost most of it's value, and even your HOME may now have a NEW FAMILY living in it, but you have to realize that you still have THE POWER to make your dreams come true.

Yes, it's time to wake up people and realize that the GOVERNMENT'S not going to help you, your BOSS isn't going to help you, and even your FRIENDS aren't going to help you. Only YOU can save YOU!!!!

If it is to be, it's UP TO ME. That has to be your SUCCESS MANTRA for 2011. So Turn off the TV, get your BUTT OFF THE COUCH, and go to WORK!!! Everyday is your chance to DO BETTER than the day before and build the life you WANT and DESERVE.

Here is a great video that I found that will get you started as you rebuild. These brothers have been in the game for over 10 years and they have built a great company and continue to grow their empire.


Hope you enjoyed the video. Yes people, The STORM IS OVER, let's go out and get some NEW MONEY in 2011!!!

Much Love and Continued Success,


Dennis Howell is the President and CEO of Caleb Brown Venture Capital and Founder of the Urban Millionaire’s Club. He is a graduate of Northwestern University in Chicago and has been married to his lovely wife for 10 years. He is also the father of 2 sons.

Need Career Advice to take your job to the next level?

Need Seed Money to start or expand your business?

Call Dennis at (312) 287-5500 or send an email to: dhowell@calebbrownonline.com

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The "Ultimate Job" Offer

The “Ultimate Job” Offer

If you can’t find a job you should go out and create your own. That’s the “Ultimate Job” offer that I’m making to you. Even in the midst of this hard-hitting recession you can still earn money for yourself to help support your family. It’s not hard to do. It’s really a matter of finding out what talent you possess that other people will pay for. The scary part is that you don’t know if they’ll pay for it until you start offering it to them. But this is where you have to have a level of self confidence that tells you if an employer is offering you 30, 40, or $50,000 a year to perform this same service, then the people in the community will offer you money too.

If you can then stand in front of new and different people every week while clearly explaining what your talent is, you’re in business. The trick to this is that you have to do whatever it takes to stay in business for at least 2 to 3 years so that people see that you’re serious. Besides, if you don’t believe in your talents, why should they? This is called business planning. You need to sit down with your spouse or significant other and ask them to work more and sacrifice more in the short-term, so that the family can benefit and be in a better place in the long-term. If your mate refuses, you may have to go down this road alone, but if you truly believe in yourself that should be a trip you are willing to take.

Start branding your product or service right away so that every time people in the community see your company’s name they link it back to you. Branding can be as simple as running the same radio commercial every week or as complex as having company brochures, company uniforms and even company cars all the same color and design. You have to get the word out about your product or service or people won’t know about it. If they don’t know about it, how can they buy it? If they don’t buy it, you won’t be around after those 2 or 3 years we talked about earlier. You also will start to get discouraged earlier because of the lack of public feedback you will be receiving. But it’s not the public’s fault, it’s your fault, because you haven’t been persistent enough to go out each and every day and tell every one who will listen what you are doing. Sometimes you might even have to give your product or service away for free in order for people to start using it. This goes back to the long-term versus short-term planning. It’s worth it to give your product away for free if it means customer testimonials and referrals later. Finally make sure that you continue to adjust and improve upon your product or service so that no one can slight what you do because all you have to say is that you understand and you’re continuing to get better. You then want to keep asking them for their support as you move along your journey. Customer service relationships are just like family relationships, it’s a two way street and the dialogue should go back and forth.

So why is this “ultimate job” offer so important? It’s important because in the African-American community it’s the key to job training and the future success of the next generation of our young people. It’s also your chance for personal fulfillment to create your own business venture that will use your special God-given talent to make the world a better place to live in. Just think, how will you impact the community for the better? Are you really affecting change if all you do everyday is go to work at a job you hate just to get a check at the end of the week? Think about how you can motivate the young boy on the corner looking for direction or your young girl that you just tucked into bed. Think about how powerful a statement it would be to tell that young boy or young girl that you can give them direct help by giving them a job and helping them improve their lives.

That’s why this is the “Ultimate Job” offer because only you can decide what your contribution to the world will be and how the world will compensate you for your gift.

Dennis Howell is the President and CEO of Caleb Brown Venture Capital Co. and Founder of the Urban Millionaire’s Club. He is a graduate of Northwestern University and has been married to his lovely wife for 10 years and is the father of two young sons.

Need Seed Money or Investment Capital to start your business?

Need Career Advice to take your job to the next level?

Contact Mr. Howell at (847) 980-2448 or e-mail: dhowell@calebbrownonline.com