Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wake Up People (The Storm is Over)!

This is a Public Service Announcement. The Great Recession is over people, whether you like it or not. The storm is over and it's time to come outside, assess the damage, and start the rebuilding process. Now is the time to seize new opportunities, new ventures, and NEW MONEY in 2011.

I know that it's unsettling for you to realize that just a few short years ago you felt that you were on top of your game, your career or business was headed in the right direction, or you were just about to get your degree and you were poised and ready to accept that $80,000 per year job offer.

Then IN A FLASH, it was ALL OVER!!!!

It may be painful, but it's time to realize that your JOB might not be coming back, your 401K ACCOUNT might have lost most of it's value, and even your HOME may now have a NEW FAMILY living in it, but you have to realize that you still have THE POWER to make your dreams come true.

Yes, it's time to wake up people and realize that the GOVERNMENT'S not going to help you, your BOSS isn't going to help you, and even your FRIENDS aren't going to help you. Only YOU can save YOU!!!!

If it is to be, it's UP TO ME. That has to be your SUCCESS MANTRA for 2011. So Turn off the TV, get your BUTT OFF THE COUCH, and go to WORK!!! Everyday is your chance to DO BETTER than the day before and build the life you WANT and DESERVE.

Here is a great video that I found that will get you started as you rebuild. These brothers have been in the game for over 10 years and they have built a great company and continue to grow their empire.

Hope you enjoyed the video. Yes people, The STORM IS OVER, let's go out and get some NEW MONEY in 2011!!!

Much Love and Continued Success,


Dennis Howell is the President and CEO of Caleb Brown Venture Capital and Founder of the Urban Millionaire’s Club. He is a graduate of Northwestern University in Chicago and has been married to his lovely wife for 10 years. He is also the father of 2 sons.

Need Career Advice to take your job to the next level?

Need Seed Money to start or expand your business?

Call Dennis at (312) 287-5500 or send an email to:

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